

The filtration into high pressure filters is an application that allows to deal with high water’s
volumes using relatively limitated filtering surfaces, if compared with gravity filters that require
surfaces of contact really wide.

The fiberglass VTR TANK, in this last years, are obtaining a great success for the treatement
of flood waters that require the application of high quantity of minerals and high volume backwash flows.

The problem of the high pressure filters, has always been, to optimize at the most the time
of contact of the filtered water with the filtering surface and to have at disposition a drainage system
that is able to restore with a backwash the initial conditions of the filtering product.

Generally the water, depending on its origin and on its quality is filtered as it is or after a series
of pre-treatments (i.e.grating, filtering oils, decantation, flotation, and/or decarbonatation, chlorination)
to eliminate all the suspended substances ( more o less small) present for nature o due to the pre-treatments.

The fiberglass VTR TANK are used for water that have re s i n s i n t e rchange ions.


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